Sunday, March 1, 2015


Helloo, bloggiess. Thanks for checking my blog out and I don't even remember when was the last time I posted something to this blog. But now, I'm so glad to be here eventually, so I'm going to fill this blank white creepy space with words.

It's just unbelievable how time flies like an arrow. Six months ago, my classmates were busy discussing and debating about the suitable name for our class. Somebody suggested with 'Allegiance', but some people found it hard to pronounce especially when we are expected to yell our class name (which is right), then we came up with another name: hardcore. Sadly, unfortunately, regrettably, dismally, horribly, unsuccessfully, and any other possible synonyms, probably only two-tenths of the class voted for it. The two included me, undoubtedly. 

From my perspective, it's quite a good name. Don't you think so? My class would sound way cooler with that manly name. I was unable to do anything, so I just let it all slide. Long story short, the result of all the shouts and yells from the class monitor and his so-called assistants, is this big name, FALCON.

After we had our official class name, we made t-shirts and hoodies with it. Shirts are okay. Hoodies came spookily with gross class logo. Tell me when bright yellow and red ever matched.
Just right after discussing the class name, there came another thing: class photoshoot and decided to go to Sibolangit for the photoshoot. Photos taken are okay, we had a lot of fun with groups here and there.
Next after our photoshoot session, we had a big and serious discussion again, this time was about Inauguration party. our party ended up in Aryaduta hotel without any special decorations. Partied so hard that night, I still remember.

I wore a black knitted & shining flowers top with below-the-knee skirt, featuring a pair of sexy heels. I only applied sunblock to my face and drew my eyebrows (I've never liked applying makeup). Hair is still short, so nothing much was done to it.

As you can see below, the black t-shirt is my class' property. It's written there "Property of 2015 Falcon", printed in white color. And there is "01" on someone's back. it shows that our class is the 1st class amongst all social classes.
Unforgettable high school memories, indeed. In two weeks, I'm going to face UAS. But can you see what am I doing right now?
Anyways, I had my test yesterday. Everything was fine, except the listening section. I missed some important parts..

Speaking section was fun. I love talking to native speaker, but I was too nervous that I couldn't think of what to say. I didn't prepare the answers on my mind first. Thus, i answered reflexively. i hope they were coherent, because I've forgotten almost all of what I said. So, there's no way daddy could judge whether or not my responses are good enough.
Frankly speaking, I made a lot of grammar mistakes with illogical responses and sentence structures errors on this speaking section. I don't understand what was I thinking! Some are out of topic, but dad said everything is going to be alright. Guess I have to listen to him, yes?

So, let's talk about my daily life. A random anonymous on asked me one insane question: Have you ever been mad to someone you really love? Why??
I don't know who asked me question like that, but it bothers me so much. And I answered with, "simply because of IG, you don't have to know my privacy."
yes, simply because of IG. since then, I barely check my account anymore. Whenever i feel like uploading new picture, I'll log in. And after successfully posted, I'll immediately sign out.
So, don't ask me "why is your IG account so dead?" anymore.

You were good to me, once. You treated me very well, once. But something happened, and you are no longer here. Wondering why you could still be this happy.

I'm out,
